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Nerd ParadiseArtisanal tutorials since 1999
Test test test

Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet.
Something something "consectetur".
adipiscing elit?
RIP Forum. Dead after only a couple weeks' use.
Also, thought I'd flag this up -> https://nerdparadise.com/mspaint "...Website that uses Times New Roman and Table Layouts". Update it, it no longer applies.
Killjoy said:
RIP Forum. Dead after only a couple weeks' use.
Eh, give it time. Without article commenting up and running yet, I don't really have any compelling reason for anyone to register an account.

Killjoy said:
Also, thought I'd flag this up -> https://nerdparadise.com/mspaint "...Website that uses Times New Roman and Table Layouts". Update it, it no longer applies.
Would just like to add that the terms of service page when signing up is unavailable.
Also the about section needs updating...
Also, I noticed that the date on the update on the homepage always defaults to the date it's viewed on. Bug? Or are you going Microsoft and calling it "a feature"? (Could have worded that better, basically I mean that it always says it was posted "today")
Also, should we just rename this thread/create a new thread to 'bugs', or better yet 'Nitpickers complain here'?
Actually, I'll not be a backseat driver. I'll set up some basic forum threads.

Added some new threads, should be basic stuff. Feel free to add more/delete them if needed. Just trying to make this a little more clear.
Holy crap, I need to give you a medal.
I also accept bitcoin and meaningless praise / titles.
Forums sure are a thing.
Of course.
I like how this one keeps on being a thing.
Forum > General Discussion > This is a test thread