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Nerd ParadiseArtisanal tutorials since 1999
Please, if Blake or any mods are reading this, send help immediately. There's a small camp of survivors left at the foot of the forum, but we're not sure how much longer we can hold out. The bots are continuing their push forward and our defenses are all but depleted. We need a strong banhammer ASAP. Again, if there's anyone out there, send help. This war is not lost yet
All done!
And again
I must be a newborn baby.
Killjoy said:
Please, if Blake or any mods are reading this, send help immediately. There's a small camp of survivors left at the foot of the forum, but we're not sure how much longer we can hold out. The bots are continuing their push forward and our defenses are all but depleted. We need a strong banhammer ASAP. Again, if there's anyone out there, send help. This war is not lost yet

Samus, you're weird.
why am i weird?
You just confuse me. Everything you do confuses me. The way you speak befuddles me and the way you act bewilders me.
theki said:
You just confuse me. Everything you do confuses me. The way you speak befuddles me and the way you act bewilders me.

you are confuzzlng me now...